Released: 2022
IMDB Rating: 6.55/10
In the past, the land of Taigenkyu was a peaceful and serene place, where humans and yokai lived together. However, after the emergence of certain individuals who sought to revive Gyoumao, the land was thrown into chaos and terror. A great yokai named Gyoumao, who had been killed by the god of war and buried in the Houtou Castle 500 years ago, was about to be revived. Using alchemy and magic, negative waves were spread throughout Taigenkyu, driving the yokai mad and causing them to attack humanity. To save this land, Kanzen Bosatsu ordered Son Gokou, Genjyo Sanzo, Sha Gojyo, and Cho Hakkai to head west. These four embark on a perilous journey to prevent an experiment that would lead to Gyoumao's revival. Along the way, they meet Hazel Grouse and his companion, Gatou, a user of a strange magic that utilizes yokai spirits to revive the dead. The two join the original four, and together with Ukoku Sanzo, a man who carries a wealth of experience and lurks in the shadows, they form a powerful group. Unforgettable characters, drama, and an engaging action style come together in a story about the bonds between these four and the two others, creating a deep and captivating tale.